Table of Contents

1953/54 Webster Wildcat Team Memories

  • Wildcats Against LaPorte #2
    This album of pictures and news articles is from a folder of memories supplied to the blog by Arthur Landiault, one of the exciting players from the 1953/54 Wildcat team. Thanks Art for this great contribution

Clippings, Stats, Etc.

  • George Carlisle Presented Distinguished Service Award
    This album contains news clippings from the past, statistics for players from the Carlisle era, and other interesting stuff. All photos, clippings, etc. must be sent to the site administrator via email to be included in this album.

Robert Brown's Magazine Spread

  • Carbide_news_0005
    This magazine spread featuring Robert Brown was published in the Union Carbide magazine in February of 1957 as the Wildcats were on the road to the state playoffs. Robert was one of the star players on the Creek team that advanced into the state tournment in March of 1957. Robert's step-father was an employee of Union Carbide at the time.

Creek vs. Galveston Ball 1-17-06

  • Galveston Ball Info
    These photos are of pages in the program for the recent Creek vs. Galveston Ball game played at the Carlisle Field House on January 17, 2006. That game was won by the Wildcats, 81-59. Lance Pevehouse led the Creek scorers with 23 points. Thanks to Hugh Taylor (Class of '59) for sending these along.

Team/Individual Photos

  • More Pictures of 56-57 CCJH Teams
    This album contains photos of various former teams and players from the Clear Creek Independent School District. To be included in this album, photos will need to be submitted to the site manager via email.

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Ed Davis

One very old warhorse signing in. Hope I am one of many.

Dan Jensen

So Ed, are we the only two around here anymore? Well, Terry Mathis is but he did not respond to this thread like we requested. Maybe some others are not following the simple instructions either?

Come on guys, please let us know if you are still reading. It's no fun just talking to ourselves.

Frank McKinney

I check the Blog 3 or four times a week and have enjoyed all of the comments. I even tolerate the frequent comments about the Baylor Bears. I’m glad Baylor is in the Big 12 that way the Buffs are assured of a win every few years.
The few credible comments from my limited involvement in the Wildcat Basketball program were posted in the first few weeks of the Blog. I have since been setting back and enjoying watching an old college buddy try to stimulate literary skills in a bunch of ex-high school jocks. I too am disappointed in your dismal failure.
I still hope this Blog will spin-off a Wildcat Basketball Web Site that would be more conducive to posting team and individual records, photos and etc from the rich history dating back to our days at Webster High School. This type of web site should be associated with the High School and could best be developed and maintained by high school kids as part of a class project. Old Warhorses like you, Hugh Taylor and Ed Davis could provide data for the kids to include on the Web Site.

Ed Davis

I am more than willing to contribute what I can to a high school site if one would develop. There must be some interest in that and would be a great technology project for some enterprising students at CCHS. We have such a site associated with the high school where I currently work. It is handled through one of the technology classes as an ongoing activity each year. Who can get it going at the Creek?

Dan Jensen

Well Ed, what are we to think about no one but Frank McKinney signing in and letting us know who participates?

Is he the only one? If so, we may as well shut this thing down. I don't see any point in talking to myself.

Frank does suggest something to think about. Maybe it ought to be turned over to the current crop of Wildcats if the old warhorses have no more interest in it.

Terry Mathis

OK I will sign in.

Alex Kakinowski

Well I'm not too sharp on this thing , but am going to see if this works. I like this idea. Much better than the usual "forward this to my address book" type of stuff. I will be checking in often. Thanks for the invite Terry.

Alex Kalinowski

I live in Jasper, Texas now, and have since 1994,when iI retired from Union Carbide. I had Clayton and Sirly(Jones) Hadley for neighbours next door, untill this year when they both passed away within 5 weeks of one another. Look forward to seeing comments from everyone. I hear that Tom Goodman's Daut. responds here. Tom & Punkin were really good friends and iI stood up for them at their wedding. Linda, my wife, and I did see Punkin in Ohio when we were on a trip in 95.

Dan Jensen

It is George Goodwin's daughter that sometimes posts in here.

Dan Jensen

By the way, it's good to have Alexander the Great in here.

Unfortunately, practically all of our old warhorses have departed. Is it because we seldom talk about them any more? Do they not care about what came after them? Do they not care about the modern Wildcat? I wonder about such things.

Whatever, it's good to get a little new blood in here. Maybe this site will stumble along longer than I was thinking.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

Yes Alex I'm George's oldest daughter.

Terry Mathis

Debbie, you said you graduated in 1967, do you agree that 1967 was the best year ever, even though you said you had a better time in Jr. Hi watching Bennie Lenox? Whats up with that, I thought we were pretty exciting to watch. Remember we played the El Campo Rice Birds when they were 33-0 in the playoffs. After we got through with them they were 33-1 and sent back to El Campo, with their heads hanging. I say all of this becouse when that team walked into Butler Fieldhouse in Houston that night they knew for sure they were headed to Austin for the state tournament, and Clear Creek was just going to be a little bump in the road. We ended up with a 10 point victory, and we were headed for Austin.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

I graduated in 1971,my cousin Sharon I think graduated in 1967. What I remember we had a very good year that year? So yes I would put it up there right now as the best. I remember going to A&M to watch Bennie. Dad and mom would get off of work and we would leave here as soon as we could and travel to College Station and then back home and work and school the next day. I remember '67 and all of the guys you all have mention and boy that brings back a flood of memories too.

Dan Jensen

Terry, didn't we beat somebody in a game at Beaumont for that ticket to Austin? Wouldn't El Campo have been a bi-district game?

Terry Mathis

We were always headed for Austin. But you are right we beat El Campo for the bi-district championship. It seems like we played at Autry Court at Rice for Regionals.

Dan Jensen

The game that sent us to state was in Beaumont. I remember remarking to your mother right after the game, "State Tournament!"

I don't remember who we beat or where it was played. Was it at Lamar University or Lamar Tech as it was called at that time?

I don't know either. It's been almost 40 years but we should know this. But, I doubt if anyone else in here can do better. Especially since practically no one is here.

Alex  Kalinowski

Debbie , when did george graduate, I dont remember him right off. I was told that Tom Goodmans daut. responded here . He graduated with me, but thanks for the come back.
And by the way which part of this site is the best place to post idle chat.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

My dad graduated from Little Rock. We came to LC in 1956. I was 3. My dad got in with Jack Rowe and the other old timers when he came here. I have never seen Tom Goodman's daughter on here.
Maybe you could start an idle chatter place.

Alex Kalinowski

Debbie ,now i think i remember him. I use to mess around jack rowes place also. the ambulances etc. There was also a Goodwin in the fire dept. in L.C., could that have ben him or his name might have been Jim.

Terry Mathis

Does the name Lindsey Carlton ring a bell for any one, since you are talking about Jack Rowe. How about Otis Switzer. Me and my brother Gerald, both worked on the ambulances for Jack, since we lived 2 houses down from the funeral home. Remember Dan you said we could talk about anything, as long as we talked. It seems like no one wants to talk about sports anymore.

Terry Mathis

Does Sharon Goodwin ever use the computer? She should say a word or two on here.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

Lindsey is still working for the police department. I see Otis and Nita nearly everytime I have to go to the funeral home. Otis lives in Santa Fe. He still looks like Otis. I always thought it was fun that his name was Otis and that was my dad's middle name. I think he and Nita stays on because there are still a few old timers left and they want to make sure things are done the way they want them to be.
Sharon posted one time on here and she has not been back. She said that she is moving back to LC in June so she maybe getting pack to move. She has MS and really needs to be here with her kids.
I love getting on here and reading about all of the things that you guys all remember.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

Sharon posted over on Carlisle' Creek Weblog. She is around the middle of the posting.

Dan Jensen

This whole site is the Carlisle's Creek weblog.

Alex, send an e-mail to administrator Edward Davis with the information that you want on a small talk thread. Yes Terry, such is certainly fine since our old warhorses have mainly ridden off into the sunset.

Alex Kalinowski

Dan, i guess you know i worked for ur dad for several years. i kind of hate that i don't live closer so i could visit him some. the last time i saw him he still remembered me, and still cracked some of his wise comments. He would always call me karbosky for fun.

Dan Jensen

You're lucky he did not call you Ozsquash, like he does some.

Were you among those who once called him at 2 a.m. at home and asked what he was doing? He told me that he replied that he was mowing the yard then told you to hold while he went to cut the mower off.

Terry Mathis

Thinking back in time. I loved to go to Aunt Viv Jensen's house, on main street in League City, because she seemed to always have egg custard (the best) in the fridge. I think that improved my batting average 100 points, and it surely improved my shooting eye. I wish I had some right now.

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

My dad was in the fire department and so was Jim (Sharon's dad). Jim Goodman was also in there and we sometime get confused that we are Goodman's instead of Goodwin's. My dad was also the president of the Little League. Even tho he didn't have any sons he was still in everything he could. He had heart disease and died at the age of 50. He went back to Little Rock and lived about a year.

Jim Pell

Dan, Do I qualify as an old war horse? I'm pretty old, for sure, so I have that part covered. By the way, I'm still "working" on Dick Baker and still trying to come up with a quality definition of "pure shooter". Both of these activities are consuming a lot of my time.

Debbie, I asked 'ol Dan in an email but he didn't give me an answer. I used to know Jimmy and Lois Goodwin. Are you related?

I have accessed this CCHS website in the past and wonder if the new web page could just be added to it?

Debbie Goodwin (Cooper)

yes Jim and Lois were my uncle and aunt. They had 2 kids Sharon(class of 67) and Bubba(class of 73). He was my dads older brother by 2 years I think.

Dan Jensen

Yes Jim, you are definitely one of the old warhorses and I am glad that you are still around but I am not sure how regularly you check things out since it has been so long since you responded to the latest request to sign in. You will be watched very closely in the future.

The old warhorses are an increasingly sad occasion. I am beginning to think they care little about anything other than their own era.

I was thinking about pouring through the archives for a few gems to share but I think I will just let the old warhorses ride off into the sunset. Let them bang their own drum.

Ed Davis

Well, Dan, we may not have gotten many of the old warhorses but we got a lot of talk in this thread anyway. Alex asked about an idle chatter thread and I would be glad to do something with that. However, we have had a lot of idle chatter on this thread as on a lot of threads. But, I think I will throw that line out and see what may bite on it. Don't you just love metaphors or metafives or whatever.

Ed Davis

Jim Pell, you certainly do qualify as an old warhorse. As you said, you are old (my age I think) and we both probably smell like an old horse most of the time. But you put in your time toiling for the Wildcat athletic teams and so you deserve that distinction along with some others who we have yet to hear from on this thread.

What about Hugh Taylor? Charlie Milligan? Dickie Baker? Bennie Lenox? Paul Timmins? Chuck Trcka? Just to name a few guys I played with in the late 50's.

Alex Kalinowski

debbie, i do remember jim and george. dont remember u tho. guess you were just a little thing then. And, Dan we did call him from time to time. He was usually the one playin jokes when he was still working. so we owed it to him. he was always quick with a come back.

Leo landriault

Leo landriault here. Enjoying looking at the old times. Great site!

Dan Jensen

Leo Landriault, a great name from the past! Great to see you here but not so great that the site has become so inactive. You provided a spark for me and I well remember your athletic exploits in Little League on up to three sports in high school and still regret very much that you dropped out of school. Leo, don't you realize you might could have had a pro baseball career?

Angela Landriault

Hi Dan, I am writing on behalf of my father Leo Landriault. I posted the message above in January at my father's request. My father is doing well and I went to visit him at his home today. He has been diagnosed with alzheimer's and struggles with his memory but still remembers most things especially things from the past. Today he gave me his scrapbook from little league that his mother kept for him. It is filled with the newspaper articles you and Gary Brizendine wrote. He wanted my sons aged 13 and 10 along with his other grandchildren to have it. After reading through all the clippings, I have to say that I don't think my boys (who are very good players and make all stars every year) hold a candle to what my Dad Leo was at their age. Truly amazing. Thank you so much for the memories. I now have some old team pics from his little league days and a few high school of him if interested. I am sorry to hear about Coach and even more sorry that I didn't find the info to give to my Dad back in May. I know he would have wanted to be there. ----Angela Landriault

Dan Jensen

Angela, I appreciate your comment. If you could share some of those articles or even pictures, that would be great. Your father was an outstanding athlete in the day when guys played more than one sport. Leo was good in football, basketball and particularly baseball. Give us an update on your sons' baseball careers.

Angela Landriault

I would love to share the photos and articles....can you send me the email address to upload them to?
Your play-by-play accounts in these articles almost put me there in the stands way back in 1950 something... thank you. Also, my 13 year old is in a Pony Allstar Director's tournament this weekend in Conroe. Maybe some of his grandpa's talent will shine through him this weekend.

Dan Jensen

The site administrator is Ed Davis. His e-mail address is [email protected]

He was a senior when your father played on the basketball team as a sophomore.

Angela Landriault

Hello Mr. Jensen, I finally scanned and uploaded the articles & pictures this evening. Several of them are written by you back in 1954! I hope Mr. Davis receives them ok. Please let me know if not.
My son's (Anthony) team has advanced to sectional tournament that also will be held in Conroe this weekend. Wish us luck! He had 2 homeruns last weekend. Thank you!

Dan Jensen

Angela, contact me by e-mail at [email protected]

I would like to communicate with you more about your son without doing it on this site.

And, Mr. Davis is quite elderly now and moves much more slowly than he did in the day when he was hogging the ball from Bennie Lenox and your father. Hopefully he will get around to posting your information in the by and by.

The comments to this entry are closed.

My Photo

Coach Carlisle at Southwest Texas

  • Coach and Basketball - Senior Year
    The photos in this album are taken from the yearbook, entitled The Pedagog, from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos for the 1948/49 school year. Coach Carlisle was a senior that year. The photos tell a story of a very accomplished and talented athlete but also a person who had many other outstanding attributes as well. Thanks for Peggy Carlisle for supplying the yearbook from which these photos were taken.

The Houses of Carlisle

  • This album contains pictures of Webster High School and the George B. Carlisle Field House at Clear Creek High School in League City.

Hurricane Ike

  • Home Afloat in the Gulf
    Photos showing the aftermath of Hurricane Ike which hit the Texas coast at Galveston during the evening of September 12 and throughout the day on September 13.